Letter C (cont.)
Control [Technique]. Kiểm soát. Comparing actual performance with planned performance, analyzing variances, assessing trends to effect process improvements, evaluating possible alternatives, and recommending appropriate corrective action as needed.
Control Account (CA) [Tool]. Khoản mục kiểm soát. A management control point where the integration of scope, budget, actual cost, and schedule takes place, and where the measurement of performance will occur. Control accounts are placed at selected management points (specific components at selected levels) of the work breakdown structure. Each control account may include one or more work packages, but each work package may be associated with only one control account. Each control account is associated with a specific single organizational component in the organizational breakdown structure (OBS). Previously called a Cost Account. See also work package.
Control Account Plan (CAP) [Tool]. Kế hoạch [cho từng] khoản mục kiểm soát. A plan for all the work and effort to be performed in a control account. Each CAP has a definitive statement of work, schedule, and time-phased budget. Previously called a Cost Account Plan.
Control Chart [Tool]. Sơ đồ kiểm soát. A graphic display of process data over time and against established control limits, and that has a centerline that assists in detecting a trend of plotted values toward either control limit.
Control Limits. Giới hạn kiểm soát. The area composed of three standard deviations on either side of the centerline, or mean, of a normal distribution of data plotted on a control chart that reflects the expected variation in the data. See also specification limits.
Controlling. Kiểm soát. See control.
Corrective Action. Hành động khắc phục. Documented direction for executing the project work to bring expected future performance of the project work in line with the project management plan.
Cost. Chi phí. The monetary value or price of a project activity* or component that includes the monetary worth of the resources required to perform and complete the activity or component, or to produce the component. A specific cost can be composed of a combination of cost components including direct labor hours, other direct costs, indirect labor hours, other indirect costs, and purchased price. (However, in the earned value management methodology, in some instances, the term cost can represent only labor hours without conversion to monetary worth.) See also actual cost and estimate.
Cost Baseline. Chi phí cơ sở. See baseline.
Cost Budgeting [Process]. Dự trù chi phí. The process of aggregating the estimated costs of individual activities or work packages to establish a cost baseline.
Cost Control [Process]. Kiểm soát chi phí. The process of influencing the factors that create variances, and controlling changes to the project budget.
Cost Estimating [Process]. Dự toán chi phí. The process of developing an approximation of the cost of the resources needed to complete project activities*.
Cost Management Plan [Output/Input]. Kế hoạch quản lý chi phí. The document that sets out the format and establishes the activities and criteria for planning, structuring, and controlling the project costs. A cost management plan can be formal or informal, highly detailed or broadly framed, based on the requirements of the project stakeholders. The cost management plan is contained in, or is a subsidiary plan, of the project management plan.
Cost of Quality (COQ) [Technique]. Chi phí [để có] chất lượng (cái “Failure costs (cost of non-conformance)” nhiều chỗ gọi là “Cost of Non-quality” – Chi phí phi chất lượng, chi phí kém chất lượng). Determining the costs incurred to ensure quality. Prevention and appraisal costs (cost of conformance) include costs for quality planning, quality control (QC), and quality assurance to ensure compliance to requirements (i.e., training, QC systems, etc.). Failure costs (cost of non-conformance) include costs to rework products, components, or processes that are non-compliant, costs of warranty work and waste, and loss of reputation.
Cost Performance Index (CPI). Chỉ số hiệu quả chi phí. A measure of cost efficiency on a project. It is the ratio of earned value (EV) to actual costs (AC). CPI = EV divided by AC. A value equal to or greater than one indicates a favorable condition and a value less than one indicates an unfavorable condition.
Cost-Plus-Fee (CPF). Giá thành cộng phụ trội. A type of cost reimbursable contract where the buyer reimburses the seller for seller’s allowable costs for performing the contract work and seller also receives a fee calculated as an agreed upon percentage of the costs. The fee varies with the actual cost.
Cost-Plus-Fixed-Fee (CPFF) Contract. [Hình thức] Hợp đồng giá thành cộng phụ trội cố định. A type of cost-reimbursable contract where the buyer reimburses the seller for the seller’s allowable costs (allowable costs are defined by the contract) plus a fixed amount of profit (fee).
Cost-Plus-Incentive-Fee (CPIF) Contract. [Hình thức] Hợp đồng giá thành cộng phụ trội khuyến khích. A type of cost-reimbursable contract where the buyer reimburses the seller for the seller’s allowable costs (allowable costs are defined by the contract), and the seller earns its profit if it meets defined performance criteria.
Cost-Plus-Percentage of Cost (CPPC). [Hình thức] Hợp đồng giá thành cộng phụ trội phần trăm. See cost-plus-fee.
Cost-Reimbursable Contract. [Hình thức] Hợp đồng hoàn trả chi phí. A type of contract involving payment (reimbursement) by the buyer to the seller for the seller’s actual costs, plus a fee typically representing seller’s profit. Costs are usually classified as direct costs or indirect costs. Direct costs are costs incurred for the exclusive benefit of the project, such as salaries of full-time project staff. Indirect costs, also called overhead and general and administrative cost, are costs allocated to the project by the performing organization as a cost of doing business, such as salaries of management indirectly involved in the project, and cost of electric utilities for the office. Indirect costs are usually calculated as a percentage of direct costs. Cost-reimbursable contracts often include incentive clauses where, if the seller meets or exceeds selected project objectives, such as schedule targets or total cost, then the seller receives from the buyer an incentive or bonus payment.
Cost Variance (CV). Sai lệch chi phí. A measure of cost performance on a project. It is the algebraic difference between earned value (EV) and actual cost (AC). CV = EV minus AC. A positive value indicates a favorable condition and a negative value indicates an unfavorable condition.
Crashing [Technique]. [Kỹ thuật] Rút tiến độ cấp tốc (Thường gọi luôn là kỹ thuật rút tiến độ “Crashing” cho tiện
, để phân biệt với kỹ thuật rút tiến độ "fast-track"). A specific type of project schedule compression technique performed by taking action to decrease the total project schedule duration* after analyzing a number of alternatives to determine how to get the maximum schedule duration compression for the least additional cost. Typical approaches for crashing a schedule include reducing schedule activity durations and increasing the assignment of resources on schedule activities. See schedule compression and see also fast tracking.
Create WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) [Process]. Lập cơ cấu phân tích công việc (Thường gọi luôn là lập WBS vì từ "WBS" khá thông dụng rồi) The process of subdividing the major project deliverables and project work into smaller, more manageable components.
Criteria. Tiêu chí, tiêu chuẩn. Standards, rules, or tests on which a judgment or decision can be based, or by which a product, service, result, or process can be evaluated.
Critical Activity. Công việc trên đường găng. Any schedule activity on a critical path in a project schedule. Most commonly determined by using the critical path method. Although some activities are “critical,” in the dictionary sense, without being on the critical path, this meaning is seldom used in the project context.
Critical Chain Method [Technique]. Phương pháp xích găng (nghe hơi khó đọc nhưng không thấy có từ nào hay hơn, vì các khống chế trình tự và khống chế nguồn lực đan xen nhau như chuỗi xích, dùng chữ “xích” nghe cho nó lằng nhằng). A schedule network analysis technique* that modifies the project schedule to account for limited resources. The critical chain method mixes deterministic and probabilistic approaches to schedule network analysis.
Critical Path [Output/Input]. Đường găng. Generally, but not always, the sequence of schedule activities that determines the duration of the project. Generally, it is the longest path through the project. However, a critical path can end, as an example, on a schedule milestone that is in the middle of the project schedule and that has a finish-no-later-than imposed date schedule constraint. See also critical path method.
Critical Path Method (CPM) [Technique]. Phương pháp đường găng.
Current Finish Date. Ngày hoàn thành dự kiến hiện hành. The current estimate of the point in time when a schedule activity will be completed, where the estimate reflects any reported work progress. See also scheduled finish date and baseline finish date.
Current Start Date. Ngày bắt đầu dự kiến hiện hành. The current estimate of the point in time when a schedule activity will begin, where the estimate reflects any reported work progress. See also scheduled start date and baseline start date.
Customer. Khách hàng. The person or organization that will use the project’s product or service or result. (See also user).