
Đinh Tấn Linh

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Cư M'gar - Đắk Lắk

This specification covers the requirement for furnishing and construction of all portland cement plastering work on exterior and interior surfaces as shown on basic instruction drawings and as specified herein.

2.1 Painting - Section 9G.

3.1 Plastering
3.1.1 Cement shall be mixed portland cement conforming to Thai Industrial Standard TIS 80-2517. One color of cement shall be used throughout the work. Products kept over one month shall not used.
3.1.2 Fine aggregate shall consist of granular material conforming to the requirement of ASTM C33. Aggregate shall be clean, hard, durable, uncoated particles free from dust and other deleterious materials.
3.1.3 Lime shall be hydrated lime conforming to TIS 202-2520.
3.1.4 Water shall be free from injurious amounts of oils, alkalis, organic matter, or other deleterious substances.
3.1.5 Mortar plasticizer, with the approval of the COMPANY, may be used in lieu of lime.
3.2 Quality
Plater shall cover all holes, joints, and other surface defects without changing of the architectural lines. Plaster shall resist flaking and peeling due to thermal contraction and expansion of materials.

4.1 Preparation
Surfaces to receive plaster shall be clean and free from defects, oil, grease, acids, organic and other injurious matter. Masonry or concrete surfaces to receive plaster shall be damp when the plaster is applied.

4.2 Types of Finish
Masonry or concrete surfaces to receive plaster shall have two coat work ; scratch and finish coats. Total thickness of coat work shall be approximately 12 mm.
4.3 Proportioning
Portland cement plaster two coat-application shall have each coat proportioned by volume as follows :
1 Part Cement
3 Part Sand
1/10 Part Hydrated Lime and/or
Mortar Plasticizer (Dosage as recommended by the manufacturer)
4.4 Mixing of Plaster
Plaster materials, specified on a volume basis, shall be measured accurately in approved containers that insure the specified proportions and will be controlled and maintained during the progress of work. Plaster shall be mixed with aggregates of uniform moisture, and the cement, sand, and lime shall be dry-mixed to a uniform color before water is added. Plaster which has begun to set before it is used shall be discarded, retempering of plaster will not be permitted. Mixing boxes and tools shall be cleaned after each batch is mixed, and kept free of old plaster.
4.5 Application
4.5.1 Scratch Coat shall be about 9 mm thick and carried the full area of wall to the natural breakting points such as doors, concrete masonry block wall. Before the scratch coat hardens, cross-scratch it to provide mechanical key for the finish coat. Keep this coat moist for not less than 24 hours and allow it to set before applying the finish coat.
4.5.2 Finish Coat shall not be applied until the scratch coat has seasoned for 7 days. Just before application of the finish coat, the scratch coat shall again be wetted evenly. The finish coat shall be not less than 3 mm thick. Cement plaster shall be given a sand float finish of a uniform texture, as approved. The finish coat shall be kept moist for at least 2 days, and thereafter shall be protected against rapid drying until preperly and thoroughly cured.

4.6 Patching
Plaster containing cracks, blisters, pits, checks, or discoloration will not be acceptable. Such plaster shall be removed and replaced with approved plaster. Patching of defective work will be permitted only when approved and such patchwork shall match existing work in texture and color.
4.7 Clean-up
Upon completion of the plaster work, all debris arising from the work shall be removed and all surfaces defaced during the progress of the work shall be cleaned and restored as required.


Đinh Tấn Linh

Quản trị cấp cao
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Cư M'gar - Đắk Lắk

This specification covers the requirement for furnishing and installation of ceiling boards as shown on basic instruction drawings and as specified herein.

2.1 Wood for ceiling runners and furring - SECTION 14.6A.

All materials proposed including descriptive literature data and detailed drawings of ceiling system shall be submitted to the COMPANY for approval prior placing any order for procurement of material.

All materials shall be delivered to the jobsite in the original sealed containers or packages, bearing the manufacturer’s name and brand designation.
Ceiling units shall be free from imperfections and blemishes that effect their appearance or service-ability. Exposed surfaces shall be straight and true. Corners and edges shall be full without marred or broken surfaces.
4.1 Asbestos Cement Flat Sheet
Asbestos cement flat sheets shall conform to Thai Industrial Standard TIS 12-2514.
4.2 Gypsumboard
Gypsumboard shall consist of a gypsum core sandwiched between outer papers. Gypsumboard shall have low thermal conductivity and fire-resistance as manufactured by Thai Gypsum Products Co.,Ltd. or approved equal. Recessed edge type shall be used for taped joints. For lay-in ceiling tiles and open joints layout ceiling, unit shall be square edge type.
4.3 Gypsum Foil Board
Gypsum foil board shall be regular gypsumboard with bright aluminum foil laminated to the back surface as manufactured by Thai Gypsum Products Co.,Ltd. or approval equal. Type of edge shall be the same as specified for the regular Gypsumboard.
4.4 Wood Frame
Wood frame shall be hardware, selected grade as specified in SECTION 14.6A.
4.5 Stirrup Hangers
Stirrup hangers shall be formed of 3 mm thick 2.5 cm wide steel
4.6 Perforated Furring Channels
Perforated furring channels for lay-in ceiling board shall be provided where required. The furring shall be fabricated from not lighter than 0.5 mm corrosion resistant metal, perforated along a 5 cm wide area, with formed or depressed openings, in a manner to avoid formation of flat spaces between openings. The furring channels shall be furnished with standard accessories, such as clips and couplings.
4.7 Fastening Devices
Screws, nails and other fastening devices shall be electroplated or zinc coated after manufacture, or shall be a corrosion-resistant type metal.
4.8 Metal Edge Trim
Metal edge trim shall be fabricated from 1 mm galvanized steel. Exposed surfaces of trim shall be painted with color to match the color of the ceiling board, unless otherwise directed.

5.1 Ceiling Runners and Furring
Ceiling runners and furring shall be set level to the required ceiling height. Furring strips shall be spaced not more than 60 cm on centers and shall be screwed to each runner at each intersection through drilled holes using screws with countersunk flat heads.
5.2 Stirrup Hangers
Each stirrup leg shall be nailed through holes therein. Runners shall be notched or shimmed level prior to nailing.
5.3 Ceiling Units
Ceiling units shall be flat and free from any wavy condition prior to fastening. For open joints layout, the joints shall be in line both ways perpendicular to the walls, and joints shall occur over bearing only.
5.3.1 Asbestos Cement Flat Sheet shall be predrilled for fasteners. Holes shall be spaced 25 cm on centers, 1 cm in from edges and along all bearings. Fasteners may be nails or screws. Nails shall have flat heads and of size and length to penetrate the bearings not less than 2 cm. Screws shall have flat countersunk heads and shall be 2 cm long.
5.3.2 Gypsumboard and Gypsum Foil Board shall be accurately cut, and shall be applied with 33 mm long nail, directly to wood framing members. Nails or screws should be driven not less than 1 cm from edges or ends of panels. While fasteners are being driven, the Gypsumboard shall be held in firm contact with the underlying supports. Preferably, application of fasteners should proceed from the central portion of the Gypsumboard to the ends and edge. Dimple nails without breaking the face paper, nail heads and exterior angle should be finished with joint compound. For taped joint panel, joints shall be abutted but not forced together. All joints shall be taped and finished with jointing plaster as recommended by the manufacturer.

Ceiling board shall be secured to the furring by mechanical fastenings unexposed in the finished work. Joints around penetrations extending through the units shall be sealed with an approved plastic caulking compound. Joints shall be straight and true to line, and the exposed surfaces shall be flush and level. Units shall be tightly butted and neatly jointed to connecting work. Along the perimeter of the units for each room, space, or panel, metal edge molding or channels shall be provided, unless otherwise indicated.

Following installation, all dirty of discolored surfaces of ceiling units shall be cleaned and left free from defects. Units that are damaged or improperly applied shall be removed and replaced.


Đinh Tấn Linh

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Cư M'gar - Đắk Lắk
Architect/07d-Roofing & Flashing

This specification covers the requirement for furnishing and construction of roofing and flashing as shown on basic instruction drawings and as specified herein.

Descriptive literature of materials shall be submitted to COMPANY in time prior placing any order for procurement of the material.

3.1 Asbestos Cement Sheets
Asbestos cement sheets shall be as manufactured by the Siam Fibre Cement Co.,Ltd. or approval equal. Sheets shall be dense, tough, completely cured, and manufactured with the weather side relatively smooth.
3.1.1 Roman Tiles shall be of 22.5 cm center to center and 5 mm thick. All sheets shall nest snugly and in full contact at laps.
3.1.2 Corrugated Sheets shall be of large corrugations, 16 cm center to center and 6 mm thick and shall be formed symmetrically so that sheets will nest snugly and in full contact at laps.
3.1.3 Corrugated Sheets (Shell Type) shall be of large corrugation, 16 cm center to center and 6 mm thick. Size of the sheet shall be 1.025 m wide by 2.20 m overall length.
3.2 Reinforced Plastic Lights
Reinforced plastic lights, where required shall be as manufactured by the Siam Fibre Cement Co.,Ltd. or approved equal. Plastic skylight shall be of the identical section used for the asbestos roofing and shall nest snugly at laps.
3.3 Accessories
Ridge pieces, apron flanges, and all other required accessories shall be of the same material and section as the roofing sheets, manufactured by the same manufacturer, and installed in such a manner as to insure weatherproof and watertight intersections and joints. Where such accessories are manufactured for an express purpose, no substitution will be allowed in metal, wood, concrete or plaster.

3.4 Fasteners
3.4.1 Fasteners for Wood Purlins shall be galvanized metal and furnished by the manufacturer of the roofing material. End clips shall be sized to the thickness of the roofing material used. Coach screws and hook bolts shall be equipped with neoprene, lead or other approved waterproof gasket to provide a watertight joint.
3.4.2 Fasteners for Steel Purlins shall be straw bolts, “J” bolts, hook bolts or other approved attachment, supplied by the roofing manufacturer and equipped with neoprene, lead, or other waterproof gasket.

4.1 General
All sheets, fasteners, and accessories shall be installed in strict accordance with the manufacturers recommendations. Sheets shall be laid with the corrugations parallels with the roof slope, and starting at the end of the building opposite the prevailing wind. End laps shall be not less than 20 cm and side laps shall be not less than one corrugation. All gable and eave sheets shall be securely fastened to the terminal purlin with coach screws at every high point of each corrugation. All intermediate sheets shall be secured with end clips at the low point of each low corrugation or with coach screws at every alternate high corrugation.
4.2 Fasteners
4.2.1 Fasteners for Wood Purlins. Each clips for wood purlins shall be attached with two 8-d nails. Coach crews shall be started in predrilled holes and tightened to a firm and waterproof seat.
4.2.2 Fasteners for Steel Purlins. “J” bolts shall be installed by seating the arm under the purlin and drawing the assemblage tight by means of a nut seated on an appropriate weatherproof washer. When the fastening is firmly secured, the excess bolt protruding beyond the face of the nut shall be neatly removed with a hacksaw or bolt cutter. Bending and twisting to remove excess bolt length will not be permitted.
4.3 Drilling
All holes for fastening must be made by twist drill, and no punching will be permitted. Where holes are misaligned or drilled in an improper location the sheet shall be removed, discarded, and replaced. No patching of roofing sheets and accessories will be permitted.

4.4 Cutting
When asbestos cement sheets are cut in the field and a power driven carborundum wheel or cross cut saws are used, they shall have cross cut teeth and be capable of cutting cleanly and neatly, leaving no splintered edges or ragged fibers.
4.5 Closures
Where required, all terminal ends shall be closed with apron flanges. Penetrations through roof shall be accomplished with soaker flanges. The use of metal, wood, concrete, or plaster as a substitute for manufactured accessories will not be accepted.

Flashings shall be installed at all intersections of roofs with vertical surfaces, at all projections through roof, or as required to provide watertight protection. Unless otherwise indicated, metal flashing shall be not less than 0.5 mm galvanized steel sheets. Exposed edges of all flashings shall be folded back not less than 1.3 cm to provide stiffness.
5.1 Base Flashing
Base flashing shall be constructed of galvanized steel, thickness as indicated on the drawings, and shall extend up vertical surfaces not less than 20 cm and out on the roof or horizontal surface not less than 10 cm. On sloping roofs, sections shall lap lengthwise not less than 7.5 cm.
5.2 Cap Flashing
Cap flashing shall be constructed of galvanized steel, thickness as indicated on the drawings, and shall extend up the vertical surface not less than 5 cm above the top of the base flashing and shall lap over base flashing not less than 15 cm.

Roofing and wall cladding materials shall be 0.5 mm thick 3inc-treat corrugated steel sheet coated with highest quality polyvinyl chloride (250 microns) on both sides. The materials shall be as manufactured by SANKO METAL INDUSTRIAL CO.,LTD. or approved equal. Installation shall be in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s instruction.

Outside wall siding or cladding of the compressor building shall extend down to a level where machinery and other equipment located at compressor level will be protected from ingress of rain.


Đinh Tấn Linh

Quản trị cấp cao
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Điểm thành tích
Nơi ở
Cư M'gar - Đắk Lắk
Architect/07e-Built-Up Roof

This specification covers the requirement for furnishing and construction of built-up roofing directly on concrete roof decks.

Sample of each layer of roofing membranes and shop drawings showing details of watertight joint shall be submitted to the COMPANY for approval prior to placing any order for procurement of the material.
After application of the roof plies, but before placement of the gravel surfacing, the COMPANY may designate up to two areas from which samples shall be cut for laboratory testing.
Samples shall be approximately 100 by 900 mm, cut across the plies to the top of the insulation, exposing all laters of felt and all laps.
The samples shall be sent to a laboratory selected by the CONTRACTOR and acceptable to the COMPANY, for testing to determine the weight , number of plies, type of felt, uniformity of mopping, ply adhesion, and other characteristics. Cost of testing shall be borne by the CONTRACTOR.
If the test result reveals faulty construction or insufficient quantity of materials, additional materials shall be furnished and applied, and other corrective measures taken by the CONTRACTOR at no cost to the COMPANY. Additional sample may be selected by the COMPANY for further testing.
Test sample cutout areas shall be filled with alternate layers of asphalt and felt, as specified, with each ply solidly mopped in place and extending 100 mm in all directions beyond the edge of the previously installed ply. No extra payment will be made for repair of cutout areas.

Built-up roofing materials shall be delivered to the jobsite in the original sealed containers or packages bearing the manufacturer’s name and brand designation.
All materials used in construction of the roof membrane shall be furnished by the same manufacturer. Materials shall be manufactured by firms of national reputation and shall conform to the following.
Asphalt primer ASTM D41 or Fed Spec SS-A-701
Asphalt - Type I ASTM D312, Type I ; 57°C to 65°C softening point, selfhealing, dead level type asphalt
Asphalt - Type III ASTM D312, Type III ; 82°C to 93°C softening point
Asphalt - Type IV ASTM D312, Type IV ; 96°C to 107°C softening point
Roofing felt ASTM D2178, Johns-Manville “Glas Ply” or Owens-Corning “Fiberglas Perma Ply R,” continuous filament.
Flashing felt ASTM D2178, Johns-Manville “Glas Ply” or Owens-Corning “Fiberglas Perma Ply R,” continuous filament.
Insulation Fed Spec HH-I-526 : Owens - Corning “Fiberglas Roof Insulation,” 19 mm thick
Sealing tape Pressure sensitive, self-adhering butyl, neoprene, or polyethylene ; 20 mils minimum thickness, width as required
Insulation joint tape Owens-Corning fiberglass reinforced 155 mm roof tape
Joint tape adhesive ASTM D312, Type IV steep asphalt, 96°C to 107°C softening point.
Gravel ASTM D1863, dry, clean, naturally rounded particles
Plastic cement Fed Spec SS-C-153, Type I ; asphalt base, containing asbestos fiber
Reinforced base flashing
Flashing material Johns-Manville “Asbestos Reinforced Base Flashing” or ASTM D2178 Owens Corning “Perma Ply R,” continuous filament.
Adhesive ASTM D2822, Johns-Manville “Asbestile” or GAF “Flashtite Cement”
Roofing nails 38 mm galvanized barbed type, 11 gage with 11 mm dia heads
Aluminum nails Screw shank, 11 gage, large head, 38 mm, with washers
Performed cant strips Celotex “Fiberboard,” 100 by 100 mm or Pittsburgh Corning “Foamglas,” 100 by 100 mm.
Wood nailers and cants Structural grade, pressure treated with pentachlorophenol preservative by LP gas process in accordance with AWPA C2. Cut surfaces shall be given a dip coat of preservative.
Sheet lead Fed Spec QQ-L-201, Grade B
Gravel stops Extruded aluminum ASTM B221, Alloy 6053 or 6063
Asphalt plank Ceramic granular surfaced ; Celotex “Carey Tred” 13 by 915 by 1825 mm or W.R. Meadows “Whitewalk” 13 by 915 by 1525 mm.

Roof surfaces for built-up roofing shall be levelled or sloped to drain. All drainage fixtures shall be securely anchored in the concrete deck at the proper level to permit free flow of water. Finished surface shall be smooth, free from humps, depressions and holes, undesirable surface defects shall be corrected.
Prior to the beginning of roofing operations the surfaces shall be dry, swept free of all dust, dirt, grime, debris and kept clean of all foreign materials and other obstructions.

Built-up roofing system shall consist of the following :
1 layer of asphalt primer 0.4 liter per square meter
2 layers of Type IV asphalt 2.7 kg per square meter beneath and between
1 layer of insulation with lateral joints staggered
1 taping of all joints in top layer of insulation with joint tape set in Type IV asphalt
4 layers of Type III asphalt 2.7 kg per square meter beneath and between
4 layers of roofing felt
1 flood coat of Type I asphalt 5.33 kg per square meter
1 layer of gravel 36 kg per square meter

Built-up roofing materials shall be furnished and applied to meet the requirements of a ten year bonded roof. The materials shall be installed and supervised by the manufacturer or his authorized representative in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommended procedures.
Throughout the work, asphalt shall be maintained within the recommended temperature range, and shall be still hot when the felts are embedded therein. The temperature shall be checked periodically with a thermometer.
No asphalt shall be heated above its flash point. These materials shall be applied at the temperatures recommended by the manufacturer for each type.
6.1 Nailers
Wood nailers at perimeter of roof areas shall be installed level and straight, spaced 6 mm apart to provide for venting of the insulation. At least two anchor bolts shall be provided for each hailer. Washers shall be provided under all bolt heads in contact with hailers.
6.2 Primer
The entire surface of each concrete roof deck shall be uniformly coated with asphalt primer.
6.3 Insulation
Only as much insulation shall be laid as can be covered with finished roofing the same day. Abutting edges of boards shall be laid in moderate contact, not forced into place. Insulation boards shall be mitered at cants as required to fit without voids. At vertical surfaces, insulation shall be cut neatly to provide a clearance of 6 mm.
Each insulation board shall be firmly embedded in Type IV asphalt.
All joints in the insulation, including perimeter joints and other edges abutting wood nailers, shall be strip sealed with insulation joint tape set in Type IV asphalt. The asphalt shall completely cover all surfaces to which tape is to be applied and the rate of coverage shall assure positive and complete adhesion of the tape. The shall completely seal the joints and shall be broomed into place.
6.4 Roofing Membrane
Over the insulation, four layers of felt shall be applied in singled four ply construction, lapping each sheet 3/4w+25 mm (where w = width of felt).
All felt shall be laid free from wrinkles, rolled not more than 900 mm behind the mop, and carefully broomed in place.
Each layer of Type III asphalt shall be spread uniformly over the entire surface, leaving no uncoated surfaces and no air pockets between layers.

6.5 Cant Strips
Where cant strips are used in connection with metal counter-flashings at masonry walls, the four roofing plies shall extend up the cant strip, and shall be cut off a minimum of 25 mm above the top of the cant strip.
6.6 Water Cutoffs
At the end of each day’s work, temporary water cutoffs, consisting of two plies of roofing felt solidly mopped into place, shall be installed to protect the unfinished edges of the insulation and roofing. Cutoffs shall be removed when work is resumed.

Type of flashing construction used shall be subject to review by the COMPANY.
Base flashing shall be installed before application of the flood coat of asphalt and the gravel surfacing.
Completed flashings which have soft or vacant areas between plies shall be removed and relaid in a manner which will produce a firm, solid installation resistant to damage from applied pressure or loading of any kind.
Base flashing at walls, curbs, or other masonry or concrete projections above the roof surface, shall consist of two plies of flashing felt plus a sheet of reinforced base flashing applied as strips, each strip being continuously embedded in a layer of base flashing adhesive. Strips shall be not more than 360 cm long.
Before each flashing strip is applied, the area it will cover shall be uniformly covered with a 3 mm layer of plastic cement. The first flashing strip shall extend out on the level roof surface at least 100 mm up the sloping surface of the cant, and up the wall or curb surfaces to within 25 mm of the counterflashing anchorage or the top of curb.
This operation shall be repeated, the second ply extending out over the level roof deck at least 75 mm beyond the edge of the underlying ply. Ends of adjacent flashing strips shall be lapped at least 75 mm, with laps in successive strips being staggered.
Over flashing thus installed, a layer of base flashing adhesive shall be applied from the top of the flashing, down the cant, and out on the roof deck at least 150 mm.
A layer of reinforced base flashing shall be solidly embedded in the adhesive, with the lower edge extending out at least 150 mm onto the roof deck. Where counterflashed, the upper edge shall extend to the counterflashing anchorage or top of curb.
At vertical projections, the reinforced base flashing shall extend to cover the top horizontal surface of the wood nailer and shall be embedded in base flashing adhesive.
All flashing plies shall be anchored to wood nailers with roofing nails driven through flat metal discs on 200 to 300 mm centers. Ends of adjacent strips of reinforced base flashing adhesive, with laps staggered over the laps in underlying plies of roofing felt. The completed base flashing shall be top coated as recommended by the manufacturer of the reinforced base flashing. Nail heads and metal discs shall be covered with plastic cement.

After all roofing plies and base flashings are in place and roof surface has been thoroughly cleaned, a flood coat of Type I asphalt shall be poured on all surfaces except cants and vertical surfaces. While the asphalt is still hot, gravel shall be uniformly spread and embedded.
Before application of the gravel surfacing, the work of all crafts relating to the roof construction, or other crafts requiring access to roof areas, shall be complete, and the roof covering shall be inspected by the CONTRACTOR and the COMPANY.

After roofing membrane and gravel are in place, asphalt plank walkways shall be installed at the locations required. Loose gravel shall be swept from areas over which asphalt plank walkways are to be installed. Asphalt planks shall be spaced 150 mm apart and shall be set in a flood coat of Type IV asphalt. If additional thickness is required, two layers of asphalt planks shall be installed. After planks are installed, gravel shall be replaced around all edges to cover asphalt.

Cant strips shall be of the type recommended by the manufacturers. The exposed face of cant strips above the top of roof insulation shall have a slope of 45 degrees.
10.1 Performed Cant Strips
Performed cant strips shall be firmly embedded in a thick layer of plastic cement applied to all roof insulation and wall or curb surfaces which will be in contact with edges of the cant strip.
10.2 Wood Cant Strips
Wood cant strips shall be fabricated from treated lumber. Wood cant strips shall be securely nailed in place with galvanized nails.

All projections such as roof drains, sleeves, or ventilators, shall be located at least 250 mm from the intersection of a cant with the roof deck. All such projections shall be flashed with sheet metal and shall make permanently watertight connections with the roof covering.
All flashings for projections shall be fabricated from 1 kg sheet lead and shall extend at least 200 mm above the roof with flanges set in plastic cement. Two plies of flashing felt, each embedded in a mopping of plastic cement, shall be installed over and at least 150 mm beyond the edges of the metal flashing and shall be completely covered by the asphalt flood coat and the gravel surfacing.

Roof drains shall be furnished and installed as required.
Lightweight concrete fill or grout shall be provided in the space around each roof drain to level the drain. Fill shall be finished flush with the flushing lip of each roof drain.
Roof drains shall be thoroughly flashed, shall make absolutely watertight connection with the roof covering, and shall be set low enough to permit free flow of water into them after roofing is installed.
The upper edge of the flashing lip of each roof drain fixture shall be set at the exact level of, and flush with, the top surface of the roof insulation, with all roofing plies extended over it and down inside, across the full width of, and beneath, the flashing clamp.
When roofing plies have been thus placed, a flashing sheet of 1 kg lead 71 mm square shall be firmly embedded in plastic cement applied over the installed roofing. After the lead flashing has been installed, the flashing clamp shall be drawn down to clamp metal flashing and roofing plies firmly in place.
Two plies of flashing felt and a single ply of base flashing, each embedded in a mopping of plastic cement, shall then be installed over the lead flashing. The first ply of felt shall extend at least 150 mm beyond the edges of the lead flashing. The second ply shall extend 75 mm beyond the edges of the first ply, and the base flashing shall extend 75 mm beyond the second ply. The flashing thus installed shall be completely covered by the asphalt flood coat and the gravel surfacing.

Roofing and flashing shall be completely weathertight. Upon completion of the built-up roof, the CONTRACTOR shall furnish the COMPANY with a written warranty from the manufacturer that they shall repair, at no cost to the COMPANY, all leaks or defects in roofing, flashing and workmanship, appearing within 10 (ten) years from the date of acceptance, except those cause by acts of God and/or improper use of the roof by the COMPANY.

Đinh Tấn Linh

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Điểm thành tích
Nơi ở
Cư M'gar - Đắk Lắk

This specification covers the requirement for furnishing and construction of all water proofing, caulking and related work necessary for the proper completion of the work as required and as specified herein.

2.1 Waterproofing is to be applied to the surfaces of walls and/or roofs of buried watertight structures. It is not the purpose of this waterproofing to repair leaks in concrete, but it is for insuring that moisture can not penetrate through.
2.2 Caulking shall be provided in all open joints exposed to the weather, at interior joints around metal frames, and in all areas normally requiring sealing with caulking material, to provide waterproof and weathertight construction.

3.1 General
Waterproofing shall be either a cement based coating, tar base pitch or an epoxy coating.
3.2 Cement Based Coating
Waterproofing by the use of a cement based coating shall be “THOROSEAL” as manufactured by Standard Dry wall Products Inc. or approved equal. An acrylic polymer shall be used as an admixture to improve adhesion, such as acryl 60. This is a three coat treatment consisting of a painted prime coat, steel trowel applied cement coating and a sponged coating.
3.3 Tar Base Pitch
Waterproofing by the use of a tar base pitch shall be “KOPPERS BITUMASTIC 50” as manufactured by Koppers Company Inc., U.S.A. or approval equal. This is a four coat treatment consisting of two prime coats and two finish coats.
3.4 Epoxy Coating
Waterproofing by the use of an epoxy coating shall be “COLMA KOTE M” as made by the Sika Chemical Corp. or approved equal. This is two component 100 percent solids epoxy-resin system applied in two coats.

4.1 General
The work is to be done under conditions as recommended by the manufacturer. Waterproofing materials are not to be applied until completion of leakage and cracks repair.
Adequate ventilation of areas where epoxy and tarbase pitch containing solvents are being applied shall be provided. Interior areas shall have forced ventilation and face masks are recommended, as well as suitable protective clothing.
Surface preparation of concrete shall conform to the manufacturer’s recommendations. In general, concrete surface shall be free of deteriorated concrete, laitance and contamination such as oil, grease, etc. All application work shall be in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendation.
Concrete surfaces exposed to the sun shall be cooled by water and shaded during application.
4.2 Cement Based Coating
An initial prime coat of cement based coating and water shall be applied and allowed to cure. The material shall be troweled or followed by a sponge float to build up a layer not less than 3 mm thick. Where there are areas of uneven absorption an initial light trowel finish may be required before the finish covering.
To prevent too rapid drying the surface shall be shaded and kept moist until sunset.
4.3 Tar Base Pitch
Two coats of prime coat shall be applied on the concrete followed by two coats of tar base pitch. Each coat of the latter shall have a 13 to 18 mil. thickness and the first coat shall be dry before the second is applied.
4.4 Epoxy Coating
Mix components thoroughly in accordance with manufacturer’s recommendations. Epoxy coating shall consist of a primer and final coat. Paint may be applied by brush, spray, or rollers all in conformance with the manufacturer’s recommendation.

5.1 General
Materials shall be delivered to the jobsite in the manufacturer’s original unopened containers, with the brands, date of manufacture, and name clearly marked thereon. All materials shall be carefully handled and stored to prevent inclusion of foreign materials, or subjection to sustained temperatures exceeding 32 degrees centigrade. Caulking compound more than six months old shall not be used. Color of caulking compound shall be gray, unless otherwise directed.
5.2 Caulking Compound
Caulking Compound shall be elastic, non corrosive and water resistant polysulphide liquid polymers that when set shall be firm but not brittle. Caulking compound shall be a two part mix. “NITOSEAL 215” as manufactured by Chemical Building Products Ltd., “THIOFLEX 600” as manufactured by Expandite, “THOROSPAN-S” as manufactured by Standard Dry Wall Products or “FORMROK 28T” as manufactured by Hitchins Research Laboratories, or approval equal. The material, characteristics should permit concave tooling when in place. The caulking compound shall be supplied in premeasured kit form, for on the job mixing.
5.3 Primer
Primer for use with polysulfide caulking compound shall be a quick-drying colorless, non-staining sealer, of type and consistency recommended by the caulking manufacturer. Primer shall be provided on masonry and concrete surfaces, and where recommended by the manufacturer.
5.4 Backstops
Glass fiber roping, neoprene, butyl, or polyethylene foams free from oil or other staining elements, shall be used as backstops. Oakum, and other types of absorptive materials, shall not be permitted as backstops.

6.1 Surface Preparation
Surfaces against which primer and caulking are to be applied shall be clean, dry to the touch, free from grease, oil, wax, lacquer, paint, or other foreign matter that would tend to destroy or impair adhesion.

All joints shall be enclosed on three sides. Grooves shall be cleaned out to a maximum depth of 12 mm and ground to a minimum width of 6 mm without damage to the adjoining work. Where necessary to provide a suitable backstop, the backs of joints over 12 mm in depth shall be filled and packed tightly with an approved backstop material to within the depths specified for the caulking compounds. All loose particles of mortar shall be cleaned out just prior to caulking and grooves given a uniform coating of primer. Primer shall not be applied to exposed finish surfaces.
6.2 Application
The caulking compound shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s printed instruction ; using a gun with nozzle of proper size to fit the joint width. The compound shall be forced into grooves with sufficient pressure to fill the grooves solidly.
Caulking shall be uniformly smooth and free of wrinkles, and unless indicated otherwise, shall be tooled as necessary and left sufficiently convex to result in a flush joint when dry. The two component caulking compounds shall not be used when it becomes gelatinous led to be discharged in a continuous flow from the gun. Modification of the caulking compound by addition of liquids, solvents or powders shall not be permitted. Only the amount of caulking which can be installed within four hours shall be mixed, but at no time shall this amount exceed 19 liters unit increments. Caulking around Openings shall include the entire perimeter of each opening.
6.3 Protection and Cleaning
Areas adjacent to joints to be filled shall be protected from smearing by the compound. Paper masking tape may be used for this purpose if removed 5 to 10 minutes after the joint section is filled. Fresh compound that has accidentally been smeared on the masonry should be scraped off immediately and rubbed clean with methyl ethyl ketone, toluene or a similar solvent. Upon completion of caulking all remaining smears, stains, and other soiling resulting therefrom shall be removed and work left in a clean and neat condition.


Đinh Tấn Linh

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Nơi ở
Cư M'gar - Đắk Lắk

This specification covers the requirement for furnishing and installation of ceramic floor and wall tile as shown on basic instruction drawings and as specified herein.

2.1 Plumbing - Section 14.15A

The following samples of materials proposed for use shall be submitted to COMPANY for approval prior placing any order for procurement of material.
3.1 Duplicate sheets of floor tile, each about 30 cm square, showing colors and pattern to be used.
3.2 Duplicate panels of 4 (four) wall tiles each.
3.3 Duplicate pieces of each color and shape for trimmers.
3.4 One of each color and type of accessories.

4.1 Cement
4.1.1 Cement for mortar bed, scratch coats and setting beds shall be mixed portland cement conforming to Thai Industrial Standard TIS 80-2517.
4.1.2 White cement shall conform to Thai Industrial Standard TIS133-2518
4.2 Lime
Lime shall be hydrated lime conforming to Thai Industrial Standard TIS202-2520.
4.3 Sand
Sand for setting beds and grout shall be as specified in SECTION 14.3A except that sand for grout shall have 100 percent passing the No. 16 sieve.

4.4 Bonding Agent
Use of bonding agent with cement mortar is permitted. The bonding agent shall be a well commercial available product. The bonding agent proposed by CONTRACTOR including descriptive literature and data shall be submitted to the COMPANY for approval before placing any order for procurement of the material.
4.5 Tile
All tiles shall be delivered to the jobsite in original, unopened sealed packages, unless otherwise permitted and cartons shall be kept dry until tiles are removed and checked. Precaution shall be taken to protect tiles from breakage or staining.
Floor and wall tiles shall be manufactured by Royal Ceramic Industry Co.,Ltd. Thai-German Ceramic Industry Co.,Ltd., Thai Mosaic Industry Co.,Ltd. or approved equal. The face sizes and color of tiles, shall be as selected and approved by the COMPANY.
4.5.1 Glazed Wall Tile for wainscots shall be approximately 0.55 cm thick and shall have a non-vitreous body, glazed surface with a high gloss finish, conforming to Thai Industrial Standard TIS36-2516. Wainscot shall include all stops, returns, trimmers, caps and other special shapes required for sills, jambs, and recesses or offsets to produce a complete and neatly finished installation.
4.5.2 Unglazed and Ceramic Mosaic Floor tile for all floor areas shall be natural clay, vitreous, non-slip ceramic tile, with plain or cushion edges, conforming to Thai Industrial Standards TIS37-2516 and TIS38-2516.
4.6 Accessories
Porcelain-type tile-walls soap dishes, toilet paper holder as specified in SECTION 14.5A shall be of color to match the wall tile.

Floor tile shall not be installed until after the complete installation of wall tiles. Surfaces to receive applications of the tiles shall be clean and free of oil, grease and foreign matters. Tiles shall be installed with the respective surfaces in true even and level planes to the elevations and grades shown. Positive beat-in of each tile is required to establish proper bond. Tiles that are out of true plane or misplaced shall be removed and reset. Tile shall be cut with a suitable cutting tool and rough edges shall be rubbed smooth. Joints between tiles shall be of uniform width as specified for the tile installed, and parallel over the entire area. Installation of tile shall be deferred until hangers, door bucks, and electrical and mechanical work that is to be in or behind tile have been installed and satisfactory protection of adjoining work has been provided. Tile bases or cove shall be solidly backed with mortar.
5.1 Installation of Wall Tile
5.1.1 Scratch Coats applied as foundation coats shall be not less than 6 mm thick and shall be composed by volume of 1 part portland cement to 5 parts damp sand to 1/5 part hydrated lime, and mixed with the minimum mount of water necessary to produce a workable mass. Mortar for scratch coats shall be used within 1 hour after mixing retempering will not be permitted. Scratch coats shall be applied with sufficient pressure to cover the entire area and form good keys. Scratch coats shall be kept moist, and an interval of at least 48 hours shall be provided between application of scratch coats and application of subsequent coats.
5.1.2 Mortar Beds shall be composed by volume of 1 part cement to 1/2 part hydrated lime to 5 parts damp sand, and mixed with the minimum amount of water necessary to produce a workable mass. Mortar beds shall be brought out flash with temporary screeds or guide strips to placed as to give a true even surface at the proper distance from the finished face of tile, and shall have a finish suitable for setting tiles.
5.1.3 Tiles shall be set in a workmanlike manner. Joints be straight, level, perpendicular, and of even width not exceeding 1.5 mm. Wainscots shall be built of full courses, that may extend to a greater height but in no case lower than the height shown. Vertical joints shall be maintained plumb for the entire height of the tile work. Before setting, tile shall be thoroughly soaked in clean water and drained so that no free moisture remains on the back of tile. While the mortar bed is still plastic, tile shall be set by troweling a skim coat of neat cement on the mortar bed or by applying a skim coat to the back of each tile unit and immediately floating the tile into place.
5.1.4 Grouting. Tile shall have the edges wetted and shall be grouted full with a plastic mix of neat, white cement immediately after a suitable area of tile has been set. The joints shall be tooled slightly concave, and the excess mortar shall be cut off and wiped from the face of the tile. Interstices or depressions, left in the mortar joints after the grout has been cleaned from the surface, shall be roughened at once and filled to the spring line of the cushion edge before the mortar begins to harden.
5.2 Installation of Floor Tile
5.2.1 Setting Beds shall be composed by volume of 1 part cement to 6 parts damp sand, and mixed with the minimum amount of water necessary to produce a workable mass. Area, of wetting bed, spread at one time shall be only as large as can be coerced with tile before the mortar has obtained its initial set. Surplus mortar shall be removed. Setting beds shall be, screened to a true plane, and sloped to drains or leveled as shown. The average thickness of setting bed in any space shall be 25 mm but in no case shall the setting beds be less than 20 mm or more than 30 mm thick.
5.2.2 Reinforced Concrete Fill shall be provided under the setting bed where the distance between the under floor, surface and the finished tile-floor surface is 5 cm or greater, and shall be such thickness that the mortar setting bed to be placed over the concrete fill shall be not less than 2 cm nor more than 3 cm thick at any point.
5.2.3 Ceramic-Mosaic Floor tile. The sheets of ceramic-mosaic floor tile shall be laid with joints the same as the joints between the tile on the sheets. As soon as the setting bed has set sufficiently to be worked upon, either a dust coat of dry portland cement not more than 1.5 mm thick shall be sprinkled over the surface and lightly worked with a steel trowel, or a thin skim coat of neat portland cement grout shall be troweled or brushed into the backs of tiles immediately before each sheet is laid. Tile sheet shall be laid on the freshly prepared setting bed while the surface is still plastic and then tamped into the mortar to insure solid bedding to the exact slope or level of finished-floor surface. When installation has hardened sufficiently, paper, sheets, and pasting glue shall be removed from face mouthed tile sheets, by brushing with water as necessary.
5.2.4 Unglazed Floor Tile shall be installed as specified for installation of ceramic-mosaic floor tile except tile shall be set individually so that the joints between the tiles will be uniform and not less than 6 mm no more than 9 mm in width.
5.2.5 Grout Mixture for joints of unglazed floor tile shall be composed of, by volume, 1 part portland cement to 2 parts sand, and mixed with a minimum amount of water.
Grout mixture for joints of ceramic-mosaic floor tile shall be a slurry of white cement and fine screened sand of equal parts mixed with a minimum amount of water.
The grout mixture shall be brushed or squeegreed over the floor until all joints are thoroughly filled. Following beat-in and adjustment the excess slurry shall be washed clean from the face of tile. Neat white cement shall then be applied to the floor and forced into the joints with the edge of a wood block or trowel. Excess grout shall be removed at once by use of a sponge, squeegee, or burlap to finish the joints and clean the surface without disturbing the floor surface.
5.3 Curing
Floors shall be covered with waterproof paper with joints lapped at least 10 cm and tape-sealed or held down with planks or other weights. Floors shall be allowed to damp. cure for at least 72 hours before foot traffic is permitted thereon.
5.4 Cleaning and Protection
Upon completion, tile floor and wall surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned. Acid shall not be used for cleaning glazed tile. After the grout has set, tile wall surfaces shall be given a protective coat of a noncorrosive soap or other approved method of protection. Tiled floor areas shall be covered with waterproof papter before foot traffic is permitted over the finished tile floors. Board walkways shall be laid on tiled floors that are to be continuously used as passageways by workmen.


Đinh Tấn Linh

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Nơi ở
Cư M'gar - Đắk Lắk

This specification covers the requirement for furnishing and installation of vinyl-asbestos tile as a resilient floor covering as shown on basic instruction drawings and as specified herein.

Three sample tiles for each of the manufacturer’s stock colors selected for the work shall be submited to COMPANY for approval of colors before placing any order for procurement of material. In addition to tile samples, the Contractor shall submit, for approval, three pieces of base of each type and color and 1 liter can sample of each type of adhesive.
Color and patterns shall be selected by COMPANY from samples submitted.

3.1 Adhesive
Adhesive for asphalt and vinyl-asbestos tile shall be either emulsion or cut-back type. Adhesive for bases shall be a water-resistant product recommended by the base manufacturer.
3.2 Base
Unless otherwise shown on the drawings, the base shall be rubber core 3 mm thick and 10 cm high. Molded external and internal corners and end pieces shall be used.
3.3 Edge Strips
Edge strips shall be of beveled vinyl plastic, 3 mm thick.
3.4 Vinyl-Asbestos Tile
Vinyl-asbestos tile shall be 22.5 cm square with thickness of 3 mm. Each color of tile or base installed in any one area shall be from the same lot. The tile shall be as manufactured by “Dynoflex” Construction Accessories Co.,Ltd. or approved equal.

Materials shall be delivered to the jobsite in the manufacturer’s original unopened containers with the manufacturer’s brand and name clearly marked thereon.
Material storage at the site shall be in accordance with the written recommendations of the tile manufacturer.

5.1 Preparation of Subfloor
Installation of tile shall be deferred until all other work that might cause damage to the floor has been completed.
Surfaces to receive tile shall be swept clean and shall be free from moisture, paint, oil, wax, or other film which may affect the adhesion. Cracks, rough areas, joints and other surface defects in the concrete subfloors shall be filled with a material recommended by the tile manufacturer. Filler material shall be compatible with the tile adhesive. Ridges, trowel marks, and other surface projections shall be ground smooth.
5.2 Adhesive
Adhesive application and time allowed for setting shall be in accordance with tile manufacturer’s recommendations.
5.3 Tile
Tile shall be laid in accordance with the approved pattern layout. Tile shall be laid starting from an axis that will produce tile against apposite walls of equal width and not less than half of the tile width. Undersurface of the tile shall be bonded to the subfloor, with each tile in tight contact with surrounding tiles and with joints aligned with room axis.
5.4 Base
Base shall be secured to the wall with cove-base adhesive. Joints shall be tight, and the base through its entire length shall have the top and bottom edges in firm contact with walls and floor, respectively. Molded corners shall be provided for all internal and external corners.
5.5 Edge Strips
Edge strips shall be installed at exposed edges of tile flooring and where thresholds are not required. The tip surface shall be flush with tile floor.
5.6 Cleaning
Immediately upon completion of tile installation in a room or area, floors and adjacent surfaces shall be dry-cleaned with an approved cleaner to remove surplus adhesive and other soiling. Floor shall be not washed for at least 5 days after installation, after which time they shall be washed with an approved polish. After each polish coat, floors shall be buffed to an even luster.
5.7 Protection
From the time of laying until acceptance by COMPANY the tile exposed to traffic shall be covered with clean, heavy-duty building paper before traffic is permitted. Vegetable fiber board, paper, or other suitable material that will not mar the tile shall be placed over tile in areas used as passageways by workmen, in areas subject to floor damage because of subsequent building operations, and elsewhere as directed.


Đinh Tấn Linh

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Điểm thành tích
Nơi ở
Cư M'gar - Đắk Lắk

This specification covers the requirement for furnishing and installation of terrazzo work as shown on basic instruction drawings and as specified herein.

Before any material is ordered for the jobsite, the following samples shall be submitted in time to COMPANY for approval.
Terrazzo..................................... Two 30 cm by 30 panels.
Division strips........................... Two 30 cm lengths of each type
Base divider strips.................... Two full-size pieces
Cleaning compound.................. Two 1-liter cans
Preservative material................. Two 1-liter cans.

3.1 Cement
3.1.1 Cement for mortar mix shall be mixed portland cement conforming to Thai Industrial Standard TIS 80-2517.
3.1.2 Cement for terrazzo mix shall be white cement conforming to Thai Industrial Standard TIS 133-2518.
3.2 Cleaning Compound
Cleaning compound used for all cleaning of terrazzo shall be approved neutral chemical cleaner free from acids and strong alkalis or other material that would affect the color or otherwise damage the terrazzo.
3.3 Coloring Material
Coloring material shall be the best quality of mineral pigment of high purity, shall be finely ground, sunroof, and limeproof, and shall have a specific gravity similar to that of cement. Coloring material shall not exceed 5 percent, by weight, of the cement used.
3.4 Division Strips
Division strips shall be formed of hard brass.
3.4.1 Standard Strips used for main divisions shall be not less than 1.2 mm thick. Strips shall be not less than 3 cm in depth and shall have approved anchoring features.
3.4.2 Base Divider Strips shall conform to the profile of the base, shall be not less than 20 mm in depth, and shall be of the same thickness and type as the main division strips.
3.5 Marble Chips
Marble chips shall be first-quality locally obtained. Size No. 1 chips shall pass a 6 mm mesh screen and be retained on a 3 mm mesh screen.
3.6 Mortar
Mortar shall be composed of one (1) part cement and three (3) parts sand thoroughly mixed dry before adding sufficient water for proper workability.
3.7 Preservative Material
Preservative material for terrazzo floor shall be approved material of a type required to produce a waterproof finish that will not be impaired by immersion in water at room temperature for a period of 2 1/2 hours, approximately 18 hours after the floor is finished by buffing, as specified. The preservative material shall not be discolor the terrazzo nor leave a tacky or sticky finish film on the surface after buffing.
3.8 Sand
Sand shall be clean, siliceous masonry sand passing a 6 mm screen.
3.9 Water
Water shall be clean, and free from acid, alkali, sewage, and organic matter.
3.10 Terrazzo Mixes
Terrazzo mixes shall be composed by weight of one (1) part white cement and two (2) parts marble chips of the sizes and colors hereinafter specified.

4.1 General
All cutting, drilling, and fitting, and the installation of grounds and forms required to install the terrazzo and to prepare the completed terrazzo to receive the work of other trades shall be performed under this section. The terrazzo topping of floors and/or borders shall be installed before the grinding of bases. Terrazzo flooring, not otherwise shown or specified, shall have a minimum thickness of 4 cm from finished surface to concrete sub-floor surface. The finished surface shall show not less than 70 percent sable to work into place.
4.2 Preparation for Terrazzo
4.2.1 Floors. Concrete slabs shall be of a suitable rough texture to bond to the terrazzo finish. Any surface that is too smooth shall be roughened with a toothed chisel and, prior to laying the terrazzo, shall be cleaned of all dirt, oil, grease, and extraneous material.
4.2.2 Division Strips for terrazzo floors and bases shall be set immediately after spreading the underbed, the strips being partially embedded therein, securely anchored to the subfloor, and grounded solid. Division strips shall be set straight to lines and to the proper level to ensure that the tops of the strips will show uniformly after grinding and smoothing operations are completed. End joints and intersections shall be fitted tight. Strips shall be braced to prevent bulging during the placing of the terrazzo. Floor Division in field work, unless otherwise indicated, shall not exceed 2 square meters. Bases and Borders shall be divided by strips to coincide with the layout of division strips in the field of floors but in no case to exceed 2 meters.
4.2.3 Wall. Scratch coat shall be carried to the full length of the masonry to receive terrazzo, or to natural breaking points, and shall be applied evenly with sufficient pressure to produce full keys to masonry and shall be not less than 5 mm thick over the face of the masonry. Scratch coat shall consist of one (1) part portland cement to four (4) parts sand. Before the scratch coat harden, cross scratch it to provide mechanical key for terrazzo application. This coat shall be kept moist for not less than 24 hours and allowed to set before applying the terrazzo mox.
4.3 Surfacing
4.3.1 Floors : The subsurface shall be swept clean, thoroughly moistened but not saturated, and slushed with a coating of neat cement grout approximately 3 mm in thickness. The underbed, consisting of one (1) part mixed portland cement to four (4) parts coarse-screened snad, shall be spread and brought to a level not less than 2 cm below the finish floor. The dividing strips shall be installed in the green underbed. The terrazzo mix shall be spread, tamped, and rolled into a compact mass not less than 2 cm thick. After rolling, additional aggregate mix shall be sprinkled over the surface to fill up all depressions, to take up moisture, and to permit the terrazzo to be troweled to a level dense, and even surface, slightly above the finish line of the floor. This level shall allow for the surface grinding necessary to expose the specified area of aggregate, and to produce smooth, level floors, free of waves and depressions.
4.3.2 Bases : shall be of the terrazzo mix and compositions hereinbefore specified, and shall be poured, tamped, and well-packed against the surface to be exposed in the finished work.
4.3.3 Washed Terrazzo Walls : The scratch coat shall be swept clean, thoroughly moistened but not saturated and daub the scratch coat with white cement paste prior to applying the terrazzo mixes. The terrazzo mixes shall be applied on to each panel formed by a wood strip. The terrazzo mixed shall be rolled into a compact amass, tamped and wellpacked against the surface of not less than 15 mm thick by metal rollers until all surfacefluos cement and water extracted. Hand trowelled to a level, dense and even surface. Before the topping surface hardness, wash the surface thoroughly with brushes and clean water until marble chips are exposed about 1/5 of their thickness.
4.3.4 Curing : The completed terrazzo shall be kept moist and free of traffic furring a 5-day curing period. The curing shall be accomplished by covering with approximately 2.5 mm thickness of sand or covering with building paper.
4.3.5 Polished Terrazzo Finishing : Following the curing period, the terrazzo shall be machine-ground to a true-even surface using No. 24 grit followed by No. 80 grit or finer abrasive stone. After the first grinding, the floors shall be thoroughly grouted with the same cement and color composition of the terrazzo mix. The grout shall be of the consistency of thick cream, and shall be brushed over the floor to eliminate all imprisoned air and to thoroughly fill the surface for final grinding.
Not less than 72 hours after application, the grouting coat shall be removed by grinding. In the latter stages of grinding, the gritstones or other abrasive used in the grinding machine shall be or a grain or fineness that will give the surface a honed finish. Small areas, inaccessible portions, and corners that cannot be reached by the grinding machine shall be ground and rubbed by hand. The honed surface of finished terrazzo shall show not less than 70 percent of the areas as exposed aggregate evenly distributed, and shall conform in appearance to the approved samples.
4.4 Protection
Terrazzo work shall be protected from damage until all work has been completed. The surfaces shall be washed with cleaning compound mixed with warm water, and shall be cleaned with a fine abrasive where necessary to dry thoroughly.
Polished terrazzo floors shall be given a sealing application of preservative material. The sealing preparation shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s directions, leaving all terrazzo work in clean condition, as approved.


Đinh Tấn Linh

Quản trị cấp cao
Tham gia
Bài viết
Điểm thành tích
Nơi ở
Cư M'gar - Đắk Lắk

This specification covers the minimum requirements to complete all painting work as indicate on basic instruction drawings and as specified herein. All architectural painting shall be done in strict accordance with the manufacturer’s specification and recommendations.
For painting of structural steel and any equipment, piping and accessories see only Project Specification 62414-SP-P-3.

The term “Paint”, as used herein, includes emulsions, enamels, paints, stains, varnishes, sealers, cement-emulsion filler and other coatings, whether used as prime, intermediate, or finish coats, Surface cleaning and painting not specified in other sections shall be as specified hereinafter.
It is the intent of this specification to require the architectural painting of all exposed materials, unless otherwise specified. The omission of minor items in the painting schedule shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR of his obligation to include such items where they come within the general intent of the specifications as stated herein.

All materials shall be delivered to the jobsite in unbroken, sealed and labelled containers of the paint manufacturer, and shall be subject to inspection by COMPANY. Labels shall clearly state name of manufacturer, designated name formula, type, color, quantity, date of manufacture and manufacturer’s directions, all of which shall be plainly legible at the time of use.
Materials shall conform to the specifications and to the requirements hereinafter specified.
Architectural paint products shall be as manufactured by Borneo Engineering Co.,Ltd., Snowcem (Thailand) Ltd., I.C.I. (Thailand) Ltd., Jotun Thailand Ltd., or approved equal.
Where although shop priming must be done with primers other than specified herein, they shall be approved by the paint manufacturer of the finish coats which must be field applied to them.

Work areas designated for storage and mixing of all painting materials shall be subject to approval by COMPANY. Painting materials shall be stockpiled in a neat manner to facilitate finding them and preventing their loss or misuse. Painting wastes shall be disposed off promptly in proper containers outside the building. No plumbing fixture or drainage system shall be used for disposal.

The Contractor shall supply, erect and afterwards remove all scaffolding, ladders and temporary platforms, required for all painting work.
The support or bracing of any part of any scaffolding from or to any wall, sill or window frame is strictly prohibited. All scaffolding must be strongly and safely built as an independent structure supported only by the floor or ground.

Hardware, hardware accessories, machined surfaces, plates, lighting fixtures, and similar items in contract with painted surfaces and not to be painted shall be removed, masked, or otherwise protected prior to surface preparation and painting operations. Exposed nails and other ferrous metal on or in contact with surfaces to be painted with waterthinned paints shall be spot-primed with zinc dust, red lead, basic lead silico chromate, or zinc chromate primer. All surfaces to be painted shall be thoroughly cleaned, by effective means, of all foreign substances, Cleaning shall be done with approved solvents, power wire brushing, scraping or sandblasting.
6.1 Wood Surfaces
Wood surfaces shall be sanded to a smooth surface. No wood shall be painted or finished unless it is sufficiently dry. All sapwood, streaks and knots shall be scaled with knot Sealer. The prime coat shall then be applied after which, when dry, nail and knot holes shall be filled with putty, allowed to dry and sandpapered smooth.
Wood surfaces, except surfaces to be given natural finish, shall be primed and finished - coat as specified in the painting schedule herein. Wood items to be painted and in contact with or built into concrete, masonry units and mortar shall be back primed and given a coat of the specified first coat material on all edges before installation. Glazing gabbets and beads in exterior sash and doors shall be primed prior to glazing. Edges of doors that have been trimed during hanging and fitting shall immediately be given two coats of the specified first coat material.
Wood surfaces to receive stained or natural finish shall be stained to the approved shade and lightly sanded. On softwood, a thin, penetrating coat of schellac shall be applied as a sealer before the stain is applied. Open grain wood shall be given the same treatment and, in addition, shall be given a coat of paste wood filler, not less than eight (8) hours after the application of the stain. Each varnish coat shall be allowed to stand at least overnight to dry and lightly sanded prior to application of subsequent coat.
6.2 Asbestos Cement Surfaces
Asbestos cement surfaces shall be dry and clean prior to application of the specified first - coat material. Oil and grease shall be carefully removed by the use of suitable solvents. Wire brushing shall not be permitted. After the first coat has become dry, and prior to application of finish coat, touch up coats shall be applied to suction spots.
6.3 Concrete, Portland Cement Plaster and Concrete Masonry Unit Surface
Concrete, portland cement plaster and concrete-masonry-unit surfaces to be painted shall be cleaned of all dust form oil, curing compound and other foreign matters. Efflorescence shall be removed by using a 15 to 20 percent muriatic acid solution. Plastered surfaces shall be painted not less than 60 days after application. Concrete surfaces shall be left at least one month before painting. Concrete-masonry-unit surfaces to be painted, shall be uniformly and thoroughly dampened, immediately before coating with cement-emulsion filler, by several applications of potable water with a fog spray, with no free surface water visible, allowing time between the spraying for the water to be absorbed.
6.4 Exposed Brick Surfaces
Exposed brick surfaces shall be clean of all dust or other foreign matters prior to application of the specified first coat material.
6.5 Ferrous Surfaces
Ferrous surfaces shall be solvent-cleaned to remove oil and grease. Surfaces that contain loose rust, loose mill scale, and other foreign substances shall be mechanically cleaned by power wire brushing or sandblasting. After cleaning, one coat of ferrous-metal primer shall be applied to ferrous surfaces immediately to prevent new rusting.
6.6 Galvanized Surfaces
Galvanized surfaces to be painted shall be solvent-cleaned and treated with vinyl-type wash coat. Galvanized surfaces not to be painted shall be solvent-cleaned.

Each coat of paint shall be so applied as to produce film of uniform thickness. The coverage of paint must remain the same, whatever method of application shall be used. Each coat of paint shall be in a different tint to the succeeding one. Special attention shall be given to insure that all surfaces including edges, corners crevices. welds, and rivets receive a film thickness equivalent to that of adjacent painted surfaces.

7.1 Method of Paint Application
On all surfaces, first coat shall be applied by brush, except that where the item has been shop primed or field primed, the first coat and subsequent coats may be applied by brush, roller, or spray.
7.1.1 Rollers for applying enamels shall have a short nap. This application shall be done by rolling the second coat at right angles to the first coat.
7.1.2 Brushes used emulsion paint shall be soaked in water for a period of 2 hours prior to brushing. The primary movement of the brush shall describe a series of small circles to thoroughly fill all irregularities in the surface after which the coatings shall be smoothed and thinned by a series of parallel strokes.
7.1.3 Sprayer shall be permitted only in the areas approved. Any equipment located in such areas shall be completely enclosed in a manner satisfactory to COMPANY. Spray equipment shall be at all times kept clean and in god working order. Spray guns shall be suited to the type of paint specified, and shall be operated with orifices, nozzles and air pressure adjusted to consistency. Respirators shall be worn by persons engaged or assisting in spray painting.
7.2 Mixing and Thinning

At time of application, paint shall shown no signs of hard settling, excessive skinning, levering, or other deterioration. Paint shall be thoroughly stirred, strained, and kept at a uniform consistency during application Paints of different manufacturers shall not be mixed together. Where necessary to suit conditions of surface, temperature, weather, and method of application, packaged paint may be thinned immediately prior to application in accordance with the manufacturer’s approved directions. The use of thinner for any reason shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR from obtaining complete cover.
7.3 Time between Surface Preparation and Painting
Surfaces that have been cleaned, pretreated, and/or otherwise prepared for painting shall be given a coat of the specified firstcoat material as soon as practicable after such preparation has been completed, but in any event prior to any deterioration of the surface preparation.
7.4 Atmospheric Conditions
Paints other than water-thinned coatings shall be applied only to surfaces that are completely free of surface moisture as determined by sight or touch.
7.5 Coating Progress
Sufficient time shall elapse between successive coats to permit proper dying. This period shall be modified as necessary to suit adverse weather conditions.

All painting at the site shall be designated field painting and shall consist of field priming and field painting to provide finish coating. The work shall be under close supervision of the CONTRACTOR and surface preparation may be inspected and approved by COMPANY prior to application.
Adjacent areas to field painting shall be protected by the use of job cloths, or other approved precautionary measures shall be taken.
Painting shall be continuous and accomplished in an orderly manner so as to facilitate inspection. Surfaces of exposed members that will be inaccessible after erection shall be cleaned and painted be for erection. Any defective paint changes in color or uncompatible paint with undercoat shall be scrapped off and repainted.

If loss of adhesion due to flaking, blistering, cracking, lifting, and wrinkling ; lack of flexibility ; soft film or failure are evident, the CONTRACTOR shall remove all defective coatings, shall prepare the surface again as specified, and shall repaint the surface in accordance with the PAINTING SCHEDULE, as specified herein until satisfactory coatings have been obtained, the cost of additional painting required shall be at the CONTRACTOR’s expense.

The finished surfaces shall be free from runs, drops, brush marks, waves, and variation in color, texture and finish.

The CONTRACTOR shall provide COMPANY with color charts and/or chips of the various approved paints for selection of colors. Colors and tints including shades of stain, shall match the respective color specimens selected by COMPANY.
The following listed items will not require finish painting :
- Finished hardware
- Concrete power poles and lighting standards
- Anodized aluminum surfaces

- Interior waterproofing to surfaces of reservoirs, tanks, vaults, and other water containing structures unless otherwise directed.

- Top of exterior slabs of reservoirs and miscellaneous structures unless otherwise directed.
- Concrete floors, unless otherwise directed.
- Head walls and rip rap.
- Reinforced concrete gutter interiors
- Non-ferrous metals unless specifically noted otherwise
- Stainless steel
- Wall tile, and asbestos roofing
- Other items or surfaces so indicated not to be finish-painted.

Cloth and cotton waste that might constitute a fire hazard shall be placed in closed metal containers or destroyed at the end of each day. Upon completion of the work, staging, scaffolding, and containers shall be removed from the site or destroyed in an approved manner. Paint spots, oil, or stains upon adjacent surfaces shall be removed and the entire job left clean and acceptable.

The CONTRACTOR shall provide and maintain quality control for architectural painting. CONTRACTOR shall ensure conformance to specifications and drawings with respect to construction, workmanship, finish and functional performance ; and record the inspection of all operations, including but not limited to the operations listed below. Duplicate copies of inspection as well as the records of corrective action taken shall be furnished as required by COMPANY.
14.1 Check and ensure all materials comply with the approved samples immediately upon delivery to the site. Materials that do not comply shall not be permitted to be unloaded but immediately removed from the site.
14.2 Check and ensure the paints requiring fungicide have had proper amounts of fungicide added by the manufacturer.
14.3 Prepare list of all surfaces requiring paint. List the surface preparation, type of paint, color, and number of coats required on each surface as specified, and use this check list to insure that specifications are being followed.
14.4 Check and ensure exterior emulsion paint for concrete and plastered surfaces is mixed strictly in accordance with the specifications.
14.5 Check and ensure that plaster surfaces are properly aged and dried before the application of paint materials.
14.6 Check and ensure that coating failures are satisfactorily corrected.

15.1 Pretreatment Coating
T-1 Vinyl Wash primer
15.2 Primers
P-1 Shellac, clear
P-2 Varnish/Sealer, Epoxy base
P-3 Cement Emulsion Filler
P-4 Red Lead Primer
15.3 Finish Coats
F-1 Varnish
F-2 Wood Preservative Oil
F-3 Paint, Plastic Emulsion, Exterior
F-4 Paint, Fungicidal, Chlorinated Rubber base
F-5 Paint, Flat Enamel, Synthetic Alkyd Resin base
F-6 Paint, Gloss Enamel, Synthetic Alkyd Resin base
F-7 Paint, Pure Epoxy Enamel
F-8 Paint, Aluminum Enamel
15.4 Abbreviation Used for Painting Schedule
S = Shop Prime
APS = As previously Specified for each type of surfaces

15.5 Paint Application
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1.1 Interior wood surfaces, APS P-1 F-1 F-1 F-1 finish shall be
to receive stain of flat or gloss as
natural finish directed
1.2 Exterior wood surfaces, APS F-2 F-2 F-2
to receive stain or
natural finish
1.3 All wood surfaces, doors APS F-5 F-6 F-6
windows including frames
to be painted
except access door to
toilet room
1.4 Toilet door surfaces APS P-2 F-7 F-7 all edges shall
receive paint, coats
as specified

2.1 All exposed surfaces brush clean F-3 F-3

3.1 All interior exposed APS F-3 F-3
3.2 All exterior exposed APS F-3 F-3 F-3

4.1 Interior exposed APS P-3 F-4 F-4 F-4
4.2 Exterior exposed APS P-3 F-4 F-4 F-4

5.1 All exposed surfaces APS F-4 F-4 F-4

6.1 All surfaces APS F-4 F-4 F-4

15.5 Paint Application (Cont’d)
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
7.1 All exposed ferrous S P-4 P-4 F-6 F-6
surfaces, building parts,
doors, frames, structural
steel, exposed steel work,
steel pipe railing.
7.2 Interior & Exterior APS & T-1 P-1 P-4 F-6 F-6
galvanized surfaces

8.1 Exposed caulking APS in F-8 Same as adjacent
14.7 A. area


Đinh Tấn Linh

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Cư M'gar - Đắk Lắk

This specification covers the requirement for furnishing and installation of acoustical tile for acoustical treatment and interior finish in buildings. Application of acoustical tile units on ceiling and/or wall surfaces shall be as specified herein.

The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the COMPANY samples for approval of all materials for use in the work prior to placing any order for procurement of material.

All materials shall be delivered to the job site in the manufacturer’s original sealed containers with the brand name clearly marked thereon.
3.1 Acoustical Tile Units
3.1.1 Acoustical tile unit shall be fire retardant mineral wool fiber or cellular glass fabricated units. The acoustical tile shall be of first class quality as manufactured by “Johns-Manville Limited”, “Armstrong” or approved equal.
3.1.2 Acoustical units shall be free from imperfections and blemishes that affect their appearance or serviceability. Exposed surface shall be straight and true. Corners and edges shall be full without marred or broken surfaces.
3.1.3 The exposed finish shall be factory baked white enamel and permit easy cleaning by washing with a sponge dampened in cold water.
3.1.4 Size of acoustical unit shall be 61 cm x 122 cm, 15 mm thick. Pattern of the unit shall be selected by the COMPANY.
3.2 Furing Channels, Fastening Devices and Edge Trim
Furring channels, screws, nails, other fastening devices and metal edge trim shall be as specified in Proj. Spec 62414-SP-C-14.9A.
3.3 Adhesive
Adhesive for bonding acoustical units to wall surfaces shall conform to ASTM D1779. The adhesive shall have a tensile adhesive strength of not less than 0.035 ksc. Attachment of acoustical units to ceiling surface by the adhesive method will not be permitted.

In general, doors and windows in area where acoustical units are to be installed shall be in place and concrete floor, ceiling and roof deck shall be thoroughly dry.
4.1 All coustical materials shall be installed by a subcontractor thoroughly familiar with this type of installation and recommended by the manufacturer.
4.2 Examination of the building shall occur to determine that the structure is in proper condition to receive acoustical materials and suspension systems. Area shall be uninterrupted for free movement of rolling scaffolds.
4.3 The subcontractor shall install suspension system in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations governed by expected maximum load. Hanger wires main tee and cross tee spacing shall be governed. All members shall be aligned for true level and straight lines. Wall angle shall be used at all boarders.
4.4 Acoustical material shall be installed in sizes specified. Boarders and cuts shall be neatly fabricated.
4.5 Surfaces on which acoustical units are applied with adhesive shall be clean, sound and dry. Adhesive shall not be applied to moist or alkaline surfaces. When adhesive are to be applied to painted surfaces, test tiles shall be installed for a duration of 48 hours to determine the suitability of the adhesive. Sufficient adhesive shall be applied to permit leveling and securing the tile in place.

Following installation, all dirty, or discolored surfaces of acoustical units shall be cleaned and left free from defects. All broken tiles shall be replaced. Units that are damaged or improperly applied shall be removed and replaced as directed at no additional cost to the COMPANY.


Đinh Tấn Linh

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Cư M'gar - Đắk Lắk
Architect/07l-D&W Frame

This specification covers the requirement of furnishing and installation all metal doors, windows, door and window frames, door and window hardware as shown on basic instruction drawings and as specified herein.

2.1 Masonry - Section 4A
2.2 Caulking - Section 7A
2.3 Glass & Glazing - Section 8D
2.4 Painting - Section 9G

Shop drawings of doors, windows and their frames shall be submitted to COMPANY for approval prior to fabrication and/or construction. Shop drawings shall indicate elevation, size, location and type of hardware, details of construction and erection.

4.1 Steel Doors and Frames
Steel doors and frames shall be fabricated from cold-rolled, stretcher-leveled sheet steel and shall have clean smooth surface. Sheets shall be pickled and oiled or may be zinc coated and phosphatized. Gauges and sizes of steel shall be as indicated on the drawings. Flush type doors shall be fabricated of two steel sheets with steel stiffeners and/or bracings are required. Space between the stiffeners may be filled with suitable insulation as required. Frames shall have concealed steel plate reinforcing as required to prevent distortion.
4.1.1 Provisions for Hardware. Doors shall be prepared at the factory for installation of hardware. Doors shall be mortised, reinforced, drilled, and tapped to templates, to receive mortised template lock strikes, where required, and shall have reinforcing plates for surface applied hardware. Cover boxes in back of hardware cutouts shall be provided. Adequate reinforcement plates shall be also provided for surface applied hardware, for which drilling and tapping is to be done in the field. Location of hardware shall be as specified in SECTION 8E.
4.1.2 Provisions for Glazing. Doors and frames shall be provided where required with glazing pockets prepared to received door lights.

4.1.3 Door Frame Anchors
Frame shall be provided with three wall anchors and one floor anchors at each jamb. Anchors shall be not less than 1.6 mm.
4.1.4 Mastic
Metal to metal joints between members of door, and door frames shall be set in mastic of the type recommended by the door manufacturer to provide completely watertight joints. Excess mastic shall be removed before it hardens.
4.2 Steel Windows
Windows shall be of standard stock types and sizes. All member of steel windows shall be made from new billet steel. The frame section shall be not less than 3.6 cm deep. Ventilator sections shall be not less than 4 cm deep, with integral weather baffles providing closure contact with the frame member not less than 6 mm in contact width.
All joints shall be mortised and tenoned and riveted. In addition, all frames and ventilator corners shall be welded. Double flat contact weathering shall be provided on all four sides of the ventilator. Ventilators shall be balanced on tow 2.5 cm by 5 mm steel arms riveted to ventilator and frame. Rivet holes shall have brass flange bushings.
Tension to hold ventilators in an open position shall be obtained by two sliding friction shoes of forged bronze with compression spring enclosed in steel tubing. The sides of the frame shall act as guides for the sliding friction shoes.
4.2.1 Provision for Glazing. Windows shall be glazed on the outside. Glass shall be bedded with metal glazing compound as specified in SECTION 8D, held in place by wire glazing clips, and face puttied to a neat trim line.
4.3 Aluminum Windows, Doors and Frames
The aluminum framing and accessories shall be as manufactured by Yong Hong Seng Co.,Ltd., Thanakorn Aluminum (Loxley-Comalco) Ltd., Alcan Thai Co.,Ltd. or approval equal. All framing section shall be extruded aluminum alloy. Screws shall be of aluminum alloy or dull chrome plated brass.
4.3.1 Doors and Windows shall be fabricated of hollow aluminum sections with no exposed seams. Mechanical joints shall be accurately milled to a hairline watertight joint. The minimum wall thickness of door members shall be not less than 3 mm. The doors and windows shall be fabricated to the details indicated on the drawings including steel tension rods, top and bottom, and wool pile weather stripping on the sides.

4.3.2 Glazing members for doors and windows shall be of such design that they are snapped in, eliminating the use of exposed screws. Glass shall be seated in vinyl weather stripping as shown on the drawings using neoprene setting blocks.
4.3.3 Hardware reinforcement on doors and windows shall be fastened in place without the attachment visible.
4.3.4 Wall Anchors shall be galvanized mild steel.
4.3.5 Vinyl weather stripping shall be furnished to the contours indicated on the drawings.
4.3.6 Neoprene setting blocks shall be closed cell neoprene 85 + 5 durometer hardness.
4.4 Adjustable Louvers
Adjustable louver sets shall be as manufactured by Diethelm & Co.,Ltd., Opanayikul Co.,Ltd. or approved equal. Channel frames shall be cold form galvanized mild steel sheet 18 Gauge aluminum lacquer finished, blade carriers shall be 20 Gauge. Main frame member shall be of one piece construction. Slats shall be glass or wood with the width and thickness as required, and shall be retained in clips by means of an aluminum cushion to form a weathertight seal when slats overlap. Glass slat shall have ground exposed edges. Pivot arms shall be provided for the opening of the slats through 90 degree arc. Rotor-gear, manual operators shall be manufacturer’s standard and exposed portions shall be extruded aluminum alloy.
4.5 Screen
Screen shall be provided for windows and openings where noted on the drawings. Screens for windows shall effectively bar passage of insects. Screens shall be designed for removal from the inside. The screens shall fit closely around the entire perimeter of the openings and shall be replaceable and easily removable. Provide all necessary hardware for secure and insect-proof attachment to windows
4.5.1 Insect screens shall have a woven polyvinyl chloride wire cloth, 18 x 16 mesh regular, or 0.27 mm aluminum wire gun metal 18 x 16 mesh.
4.5.2 Bird screens shall be galvanized steel wire, 1 mm in 13 mm square mesh.
4.5.3 Screen Frame shall be fabricated of aluminum rolled sheet with a minimum mill thickness of 2.0 mm. Screen shall be secured within frame by means of a plastic spline. Frame shall be secured to window or louver frame by means of plastic turners and wood screws so as to be provided for doors and casement windows as noted on the drawings. Hardware for screendoors and windows shall be as specified in SECTION 8E.

4.6 Finishes
4.6.1 Steel doors shall be bonderized and painted with one coat of red lead primer, evenly dried, to receive finish painting in the field. Exposed joints and seams shall be sanded or ground smooth and where necessary, given a filler coat before paint is applied. Galvanized surfaces to be painted, shall be solvent cleaned and treated with vinyl-type wash coat to provide paint adhesion. Color of finish painting shall be selected by the COMPANY.
4.6.2 All steel windows shall be bonderized and given a coat of bakelite, or approved equal paint. The bakelite, or equal, coat shall be ovenbaked for one hour at 150 degrees Centigrade, unless paint selected other than bakelite does not permit baking. Finish painting shall be received in the field in accordance with SECTION 9G.
4.6.3 The finish of all exposed surfaces of aluminum doors and windows including sash, framing and partition framing shall be polished etched anodized in accordance with CE/AN/0.0004 (Caustic Etched Anodized 0.004 mil thickness). After anodizing, the surface shall be coated with a lacquer, or oil for protection.
Edges of handles and appurtenances shall be ground-off smooth to remove burrs.

5.1 Workmanship
The finish work shall be strong and rigid, neat in appearance, free from defects, warp, or buckle. Molded members shall be clean-cut, straight and in true alignment. Exposed welded joints shall be dresses smooth. Exposed screws or bolts shall have counter-sunk heads.
All structural concrete and masonry openings shall be prepared plumb and square. Door and window frames shall be installed in the opening, plumb and in true alignment. Frames shall be firmly secured to the floors, walls, heads, ceilings and support members by means of suitable anchors.
5.2 Door Frames
Door frames shall be installed plumb, straight, and true, rigidly secured in place and properly braced.
5.3 Hinged Door
Hinged doors shall be fitted, hung and trimmed with hardware. Door clearances shall have not more than 3 mm clearance at jambs, heads, and bottom unless otherwise shown, 6 mm clearance at meeting stiles of pairs of doors.

5.4 Windows
Metal windows shall be set plumb and true in openings. The joint between the window frame and masonry shall be caulked. Contacts between windows and adjacent metal including mullions shall be sealed with mastic so as to make th joints at the contacts watertight. All ventilators shall be adjusted before glazing.
5.5 Protection and Cleaning
5.5.1 After installation, steel door and window shall be protected from damage during subsequent construction activities. All metal surfaces shall be cleaned of all other foreign matters to present a neat appearance and prevent fouling or weathering. Surfaces of painted items shall be satisfactorily cleaned and touched up. Stained, discolored or abraded items that cannot be satisfactorily repaired, shall be replaced with new items. Abrasive, caustic, or acid cleaning agents shall not be used.
5.5.2 All exposed surfaces of aluminum shall be protected against damage from staining, abrasion or other injury. Aluminum shall be protected against contact with dissimilar metals that may have a corrosives or deleterious effect.


Đinh Tấn Linh

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Cư M'gar - Đắk Lắk
Architect/07m-D&W Wood

This specification covers the requirement for furnishing and installation of all wood doors, windows, louvers and frames as shown on basic instruction drawings and as specified herein.

2.1 Masonry - Section 14.4A
2.2 Caulking - Section 14.7A
2.3 Hardware - Section 14.8E
2.4 Glazing - Section 14.8D
2.5 Wood & Lumber - Section 14.6D
2.6 Screening - Section 14.8A

Lumber for doors, windows, sash, louvers and frames shall be hardwood, selected grade. Wood shall be of sound stock, thoroughly seasoned dried, neatly and accurately framed.
3.1 Door Frames
Frames shall be set plumb and square. Frames shall be set with double wedge blocking in back of nailing points, also at back of butts and lock strike. Frames in masonry shall be double-rabbeted from solid stock and shall have three jamb anchors on each side.
3.2 Doors
3.2.1 Panel Type. Stiles and rails shall be fitted together with open mortise-and-tenon joints, routed to receive panels. Glass-panels shall be as specified under SECTION 14.8D. Stops shall be of solid wood as used for stiles and rails and shall be one piece units mitered at corners.
3.2.2 Flush Type (Hollow Core). Doors shall have hollow cores of such type as will adequately support the outer plywood and afford strength and stability sufficient for the use intended. Stiles shall be not less than 2.8 cm and rails shall be not less than 7 cm in width. A lock block shall be provided at the center of each stile, long and wide enough to extend 15 cm from the edge of door to the inside of the lock block. Cross rails shall be provided at the top and bottom of the lock block and shall be securely connected to the stiles. Veneers for cross banding and faces shall be plywood of two or more plies, with a combined minimum thickness of 4 mm before sanding. Face veneer shall be of hardwood, as approved. Edge strips shall be of the same hardwood, tongued and grooved and glued into the stiles and rails. All veneers shall be bonded with water-resistant type adhesive applied to all contact surfaces and the whole door shall be placed in a gluing press that applies uniform pressure over the entire surface of the door.
3.2.3 Louver Insets in doors where required, shall have mitered joints and shall be routed out to receive slats or proper width to provide the edge finish shown. Joints shall be glued.
3.2.4 Louvered Doors shall be constructed where shown. Stiles and rails shall be solid. Louver frame shall have mitered joints, and shall be set into the stiles and rails of the door frame. Louver frame shall be routed out to receive slats of proper width to provide the edge finish shown. Joints shall be glued.
3.2.5 Toilet Stall Doors shall be of 20 mm thick plywood in aluminum frame.
3.3 Window Frame
Stops shall be rabbetted from solid stock. Sills shall slope and have a ploughed drip. Jambs shall rest on the sill ; head shall rest on the jambs. Head and sill shall be through nailed to jambs.
3.4 Window Sash
Sash shall be rabbetted from the solid stock with applied stop mitered at corners. Joints shall be open mortise-and-tenon type glued.
3.5 Wood Louver Frame
Lumber shall be of hardwood, selected grade. Louver frame shall be routed out to receive slats of proper width to provide the edge finish shown. Joints shall be nailed and glued. Sides of frames shall rest on the sill ; top member shall cap the sides. Where shown, insect screen on the inside shall be removable.
3.6 Finish
After fabrication and before installation wood doors, windows and louvers shall be given a coating of an approved synthetic resin clear sealer and protected from damage until installation.

4.1 All wood windows, doors and louvers frames shall be fitted plumb and square in the structural and masonry openings with concrete nails, caulking, wood shims and appurtenances. Concrete nails 4.8 mm in diameter shall be through nailed to masonry at 40 cm intervals. Frame shall be set with double wedge blocking in back of nailing points, in back of butts and lock strikes. Caulking shall be installed between the wood frame and the masonry on the inside.
4.2 Doors shall have 1.6 mm space at sides and tops and 5 mm over thresholds. Doors in openings without thresholds shall have 10 mm clearance at bottoms. Meeting stiles of double doors shall be shaped to provide the minimum practicable clearance not less that 1.6 mm.


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Cư M'gar - Đắk Lắk
Tấn Linh ơi, bạn có phần dịch tiếng việt của bài này không. Bọn mình đang làm bài thầu của Malai, toàn tiếng anh khoai quá. Cảm ơn bạn đã post bài này.=D>

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