Bridge Engineering: Seismic Design (Principles and Applications in Engineering)


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Xin giúp TA dịch đoạn miêu tả tài liệu dưới đây, giúp các đồng nghiệp lấy kiến thức từ nước ngoài đưa về làm giàu nước mình.

By Wai-Fah Chen; Lian Duan, CRC Press, 2003 (480 Pages)
ISBN : 0849316839
Book Description:

Mitigating the effects of earthquakes is crucial to bridge design. With chapters culled from the best-selling Bridge Engineering Handbook, this volume sets forth the principles and applications of seismic design, from the necessary geotechnical and dynamic analysis background to seismic isolation and energy dissipation, active control, and retrofit technology. In-depth discussions contributed by bridge and earthquake engineers from around the world cover the types and effects of earthquake damage and structural performance criteria. The book also includes an overview of seismic design practices in Japan, including a study of the damage to highway bridges caused by the Hyogo-ken Nanbu earthquake and the changes in retrofit practices precipitated by that earthquake.

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